“Bring the universe of your imagination with you.”

— James Ragan

Origin of the Prague Summer Workshop

Being of Czech and Slovak heritage, I was invited in 1991 to meet Czech President Vaclav Havel who was scheduled to speak at UCLA. Praising my banned activism in the former communist Czechoslovakia, Havel, formerly a jailed dissident, extended his hand, saying, “We are colleagues.” I cherish that moment. He then invited me to teach each summer as Distinguished Professor of Poetry and Film at Charles University in Prague (currently 26 years).

I was invited also to reside each summer at his childhood family home where I’ve enjoyed the most productive period of my writing life: one play and six books of poetry. As a result, since 1992, I saw it as an opportunity to bring students to Prague to join me in experiencing the inspiration, passion, and beauty of the city. I saw it as a calling to promote “cultural diplomacy,” and understanding, which was the intent of Havel’s invitation.



It's my pleasure to invite you to attend the Prague Summer Workshop in Poetry and Screenwriting, a course I've taught as Distinguished Professor in the summer curriculum at Charles University for the past 26 years. Since you've now begun to take your writing to the world, I hope you'll continue to break down borders by "living" poetry and screenwriting with me in Prague.

Prague’s Old Town Square, one block from the Charles University campus.


You'll be joining 10 American and foreign students in the course, which spills out into excursions to opera, theater, and pub dialogue. To allow for weekend travel, the class meets Tues. and Thurs. (poetry) and Wed (screenwriting) for 4 weeks (12 sessions—3 hour workshops). Monday is reserved for one-on-one meetings with screenwriters.

  • Jim, Deb, Tera and Mara Ragan in front of the Astronomical Clock. in Prague.

  • Reading at the Jan Pallach & Jan Zajic Memorial near the St. Wenceslas statue on Wenceslas Square.

  • Enjoying the opera, “Carmen,” with students at Prague’s National Theater.

Czech and American students attending Dr. Ragan’s workshops in Poetry and Screenwriting at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.

Dr. Ragan’s class visiting the John Lennon Wall in Prague, crafted in 1980 in honor of John Lennon after his death.

Celebrating “Bloomsday” on Petrin Hill overlooking Prague

One-on-one meetings on the River Vltava at Lavka

Stopping near the old Roman Ruins on the way to Vyshehrad Cemetery.

Stopping for photos above the Vltava River near the Vyshehrad Cemetery.

Course concludes at Prague’s Vyshehrad Cemetery. Guest lecturer NPR’s David Bianculli (top row left) enjoys the students reading poems at the graves of poets Karel Macha, composer Antonin Dvorak, & artist Alphonse Mucha, among others.

Students stop to lay a flower down, toast a sip of wine and read a poem at the grave of Karel Capek whose play R.U.R introduced the word “robot” into our vocabulary.

Pub celebration after cemetery reading at U Fleku (the oldest pub in Prague).

Drinks with famed Czech jazz musician, Milan Svoboda, after his performance at Old Town Sq.

For information regarding fees, lodging, and course information, please send your contact information so that I can answer any questions. As you already know, Prague is celebrated as one of the most inspiring cities in Europe. With your writing background, you'll be a prized addition to the course.


James Ragan, Ph.D.

Distinguished Visiting Professor (26 yrs)

Faculty of Arts

Charles University

Emeritus Director/Professor

USC Professional Writing Program (25 yrs)


POETRY: Kizziah Burton was a finalist for Britain's Int. Poetry Society Award in both 2018 & 2019. Millicent Borges, Peggy Dobreer, Danelle Lejeune, and Rattle Magazine editor/author Alan Fox had books published in following years with work developed in my class. Poet Kim Addonizio also attended to finalize a play in the workshop, and my thesis student, Tom Curwen, received a Pulitzer nomination several years back.

FILM: Ram Devineni won the Grand Jury prize for Documentary at the 2015 Sundance Film Festival. Marko Skop’s films have won first prize at the 2009 Karlovy Vary Film Festival, the FIPRESCI Film Critics prize at the Toronto Film Festival, and the 2020 Trieste Film Festival. Suzana Liova won the 2015 Kieslowski award for Best Screenplay at the Cannes Film Festival & the Grand Prix Visions Award at the Palm Springs Int. Film Festival. All have made me proud and humbled.

Forwarded letter of thanks on behalf of President Bill Clinton for the gift of USC Professional Writing Program sweatshirts.

Congratulatory letter from former Prague Summer Program student Jenna Bush for Ragan’s USC 25th Anniversary tribute.

“I would want the distance to all understanding/ to narrow just enough to fail at failure.”

— lines from James Ragan’s poem “If for Each of Us”